Natural conception after 35. Four challenges and how to overcome them.

If you’ve already had a cake with 35 candles or you’re just checking out your options, you should know that becoming pregnant naturally in your late 30’s and beyond certainly isn’t impossible.  It may require more conscious effort, but there are steps you can take to overcome some of the challenges.   

CHALLENGE:  Poorer egg quality

When we talk about egg quality, what we mean is whether or not an egg is chromosomally normal (or ‘euploid’). As we age, we naturally have higher numbers of abnormal (or ‘aneuploid’) eggs.  These eggs are less likely to be fertilised, or implant. 

SOLUTION:  Slow down the ageing process as much as possible.  Egg quality is difficult to ascertain – an egg has to be destroyed in order to determine the quality, or it can be inferred if the egg fertilises and implants. Research suggests the use of particular supplements may protect egg quality: 

Supplement for egg quality.jpeg

BONUS:  There is also evidence to support acupuncture as a method of protecting egg quality, using embryo numbers in an IVF cycle as the marker of egg quality. 

CHALLENGE:  A lower ovarian reserve

AKA - We have fewer eggs left. Ladies, we are born with all the eggs we will ever have.  Throughout our lives these naturally mature and then degenerate.  At around 35, the rate at which the number declines begins to increase. 

SOLUTION:  Sober up. Lifestyle decisions do make an impact, alcohol being a particularly well researched area.   Studies show that binge drinking can lower ovarian reserve (as measured by AMH). If you’re struggling, you can read more about preconception sobriety.  

There is also a direct correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed and the likelihood of requiring assisted reproductive technologies to conceive.  


CHALLENGE:  A decrease in DHEA

As we age we naturally become lower in the hormone DHEA, a hormone which keeps our major stress hormone cortisol, in check.  Maintaining a low cortisol level plays an important role in natural conception.  While no amount of zen will be make a pregnancy happen if all the pieces aren’t in place, we do know that high cortisol can impact ovulation, causing a delay, or in some cases anovulation.  If there is no egg released, there is no possibility of conception. 

SOLUTION:  Naturally managing cortisol levels through adequate sleep, moderate levels of exercise and adding meditation and my favourite - acupuncture. 

BONUS:  DHEA supplementation can be helpful in many cases, BUT, it’s not suitable for everyone and should not be taken without a consultation.


CHALLENGE:  Having an older partner

If you’re around 35 years old there’s a good chance your partner is too.  Fertility is not just a woman-thing. It's a two (or sometimes more) person job. As men age, sperm quality deteriorates often adding another level of challenge. 

SOLUTION:  Adding an antioxidant can minimise some of these age-related effects – particularly important if your partner is a smoker.  I recommend a paternal multivitamin high in a variety of antioxidants which will also cover any nutritional gaps.  If you can buy it off the shelf without a consultation, it’s probably lots of high doses of a cheap version of each nutrient.  As with all supplements, it really is best to opt for clinic or practitioner only. 


If you’re 35 or over and you’re ready to try conceive, you can book at appointment at The Fertility Suite with Kim Gatenby, or myself here.

Jenna xx


Jenna Mcdonald